Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Beautiful Waldport

Michael and I got away for the weekend, without kids, thanks to fabulous Aunt Melissa. It was great we stayed with one of Michael's co-workers, Shirley and her husband Kent. We had a great time with a few walks on the beach and a beautiful view from Cape Perpetua.

There was this cool little stone shelter that I thought was just so fun I wanted to make it my new hide out.

On our way home from the beach we stopped at Spirit Mountain Casino for their buffet. I think I tried a bite of almost everything. Definitely worth it however if you get there before 3pm it's heaps cheaper.

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Potty Training is the Pits

7/29/08 Update Eddie is completely potty trained including keeping dry at night. He hasn't peed the bed once since taking away his pull-ups. He goes to the bathroom all by himself now. The main problem we have is that he doesn't put his underwear back on after he's done. He'll come running out of the bathroom with nothing covering down there whether we have guests over or not. Hey but at least he's doing all of his business in the toilet and I'm not having to clean it up anymore. NO MORE DIAPERS!! (well for at least not for nine months or more, meaning I'm not prego yet). I've got to say waiting to potty train until the kid is a little older is fabulous.

So we've started potty training the Word. He's been in underwear for about a week and a half and still has yet to go number two in the toilet. Yuck! Seriously this has to be one of my least favorite parts of motherhood. But maybe he can pay me back for all the diapers he's used by becoming an underwear model.