Friday, December 25, 2009

Christmas 2009

I love this picture mainly because not one of my munchkins is looking at the camera. Even Aaron who is faced toward the camera has averted his eyes.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

My thoughts on Mom's and Sons

I love this Picture of Paul and my Mom. Paul is the favorite even though mom insists that she doesn't have a favorite. It's okay with me though because I'm the favorite girl. Just kidding(kinda) If mom reads this she'll be mad because she hates favoritism. She was always really fair with us but given the fact that Paul was twelve when I left home for good she had a lot of one on one time with him and he's been good to her throughout her many Multiple Sclerosis episodes. Having three boys myself I understand the bond between moms and sons. Love you Forever by Robert Munsch helps explain some of that.
When putting the boys to bed I've often repeated the words from it.

"I'll love you forever.
I'll like you for always.
As long as I'm living,
my baby you'll be."

Aaron and Eddie don't like being called babies though so I'll say their name instead of Baby. Or when they say it to me they'll replace baby with "Momma". To me it is one of the sweet wonderful moments of motherhood.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Who knew saving money for college was so easy?

So I've finally joined All of you mom's out there that like to shop on-line should try it too. I've already saved 18.00 just by doing normal Christmas shopping and that's only in the past couple of weeks. I wish I'd joined sooner. If you don't have anyone to save for feel free to click on the link below and help me save. However I'd definitely recommend joining.

As of 2/7/2010 I've saved over $70. I'm so glad I joined.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

It's My Favortie Time of Year

From about April on through the beginning of January I love life here in the Northwest. Come February though I'm ready for Spring to come back. Reasons I love this time of year...
My Birthday
Thanksgiving Weekend
Aaron's Birthday
New Years

Halloween, seriously does it get much better than taking your kids door to door begging for candy? This past Halloween though Ian and I were both sick and so Ian didn't even get to really have his first Halloween. I didn't even dress him up in the cute pumpkin sweatshirt that I've used on both of the other boys. So I guess we'll celebrate his first Halloween next year. So despite the lack of celebrating due to illness Halloween rocks.

Then a couple weeks later I get to celebrate my birthday. I threw myself(with the help of friends) a first 29th birthday party. Which I joke about not wanting to turn 30 next year but seriously, what's the big deal.

Then after my birthday I get to have Thanksgiving and seriously it's my favorite meal of the year. Then I get to go shopping the day after Thanksgiving which to me is a lot of fun. I usually end up talking to the random people waiting in line next to me and just enjoy the whole experience.

Shortly after Thanksgiving weekend we celebrate Aaron's birthday and from there we rush full force into decorating the house, wrapping presents and baking for Christmas. But if it's my favorite time of year why do I turn into the Christmas Nazi? Seriously the boys were trying to help me decorate the Christmas tree this afternoon and I wanted them to help and enjoy but yet I found myself being short with them and frustrated in general. Surely this is not what Christmas is all about. I guess there is always tomorrow and I'll try to be nicer and put into action the spirit that should go with Christmas.